Always feel hungry?

Do you crave carbs or sweets?
Do you feel tired, nauseous or short-tempered when you do not eat every few hours?
Do you take one bite of a carb and need more and more?

When digesting carbohydrates, your body does not really know the difference between metabolizing a piece of bread versus a candy bar because they both convert to glucose (sugar).

When you eat something that is a simple sugar (lolliopop) or needs to be broken down more (cupcake), the pancrease releases insulin, which is a hormone that is needed in order to metabolize sugar in the blood stream. Insulin is needed to convert these foods to glucose and carry it to body cells (muscles) where is can be used.

Trying to keep insulin levels stable and close to normal ranges can be a challenge in the world of fast food, frozen food, processed food, etc.  I understand because I was diagnosed with having reactive hypoglycemia in 1986.  

Our foods have tons of hidden salt, sugar and fat in them which are known to be addictive components.  Did you know that studies show that the brain reacts to these foods in the same way that it reacts to drugs? No wonder it is addictive!

Our food is made to be fast, convenient, and TASTY!  Salt is addictive.  Sugar is addictive.  Fat is addicative.  This book, Salt, Sugar, Fat is about the histoy of farming practices, food production, laws in the US and the ethical and moral implications of this.  

Read this book by New York Times reporter, Michael Moss- he won a Pulitzer Prize.  Learn more about from where your food comes and its impacts on the body.  It is a fabulous book!


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