Low Calorie and High Cardio - Not The Way to Go

If you workout to burn Calories and you do not lift weights, you will burn fat and drop weight.  However, you will just be the same shape (smaller version).  

People think that women should not lift weights because they will bulk up.  That is not the case.  Women just are not capable of building bulk like men are because women do not have enough testosterone.  Women can lift weights and they should lift weights.  

It is proven that muscle burns more than fat.  To burn more fat at rest, muscle is necessary.  You also need to feed the muscle so that you don't burn muscle instead of fat.

You need to fuel the muscles but the idea of eating MORE protein is a MYTH.  You do not need more protein.  You just need lean/low fat types of protein.  The muscles can only metabolize so much protein and then any extra is essentially wasted and too much will store as fat just as any excess number of Calories.

Try a protein shake with healthy carbohydrates and sugars after a workout.  
I recommend:

Jay Robb protein powder, banana, milk or almond milk.  Make sure to eat within an hour after a hard workout.  

Workout each body part on separate days rather than doing an entire body workout everyday.  Concentrate on chest, back, legs, arms, abs on different days.

  • “Superset” – two exercises back to back with no rest in between.
  • “Dropset” – once the set is complete, immediately perform another set with the same amount of reps in order to exhaust the muscle.
  • “Burn Out” – continually lifting the weight until the muscle is fatigued.
  • “Run the Rack” – a dropset. Complete reps to failure of each weight along the length of the weight rack.  For example, lift a ten pound dumbell as many times as possible.  When too tired to continue, pick up the next highest dumbells and do it again.  Keep doing this until you reach a dumbell that you cannot lift.


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